Angels on Your Shoulder

We are fully into the second week of 40 days to love. How are you doing? Feeling more loved, loving and lovable? Remember this Lent the only thing you are giving up is misery, suffering and fear!

Having an attitude of gratitude One of the most powerful ways to expand our ability to be more loving is to have an attitude of gratitude toward all of life. Gratitude is a very expansive way of looking at life. Judgment leads to fear, anger and sadness. When we ask ourselves how we can see…

About a year ago I sent out a series of videos and this was the most popular so I thought I would share it with you. Procrastination causes more fear in our lives than almost anything else.

Here is a short video I made I thought you might enjoy. It's a visual Fearless Friday!

In this video Susan Gregg talks about the insidious nature of fear and how to move beyond it.

Alas, it’s our last day of 40 days to love. Since it is a fearless Friday I thought I would talk a bit about prayer and then share a heartfelt prayer of love. Prayer, especially when it is accompanied by a connection to our spirit is a powerful transformational tool. Years ago one of my…

Here are some images that speak to me of love and the magical wonder of the divine. Unfortunately my desk top computer that houses most of my images in the computer hospital, hopefully recovering nicely. I have so enjoyed these 40 days to love ….

We have spent 40 days focusing on love. The message of Jesus was love, pure unconditional love, free of judgment, turn the other cheek, judge not kind of love. I have long thought it was interesting that early Christians decide to adopt the crucifixion as the symbol rather than the resurrection but that’s just me…

Guided meditations made easy Here is a short class/guided meditation about meditating and a journey to connect with the angels and get answers to your questions. It is about 10 minutes long. You can listen here or download it to your computer and put it on your mp3 player. Enjoy!!! Click here to listen… I…

I love animals and feel an incredible feeling of love when I am in the presence of whales and dolphins. Here are some videos of dogs and dolphins and the saving of a whale by a dolphin. What amazing animals one and all. As far as I am concerned they are all angels in physical…

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