As part of my ongoing saga of construction project yesterday they were supposed to move my internet. Well they removed it and I am still waiting to find out when they plan on reinstalling it. Hence my Tuesday post is almost a Wednesday post.

I pulled an angel card and got two, the angel of surrender and responsibility. How very appropriate! The subtitle of surrender is, “I surrender to God’s love in my heart.” The angel of responsibility says, “My ability to respond makes me feel accountable. I am joyfully responsible for my life.”

What incredible reminders. Love was the farthest thing from my mind and consciously choosing how to respond was not part of my consciousness. So, now I choose to send love to the installers, the contractor and the angel I know is in charge of this seemingly endless process.

Once again take a moment to call on your angel and see who shows up.

With love and aloha, surrender and responsibility,

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