I am always amazed when I think about the internet. Someone asked me how it workes the other day and I was trying to explain where my web page lived. To be honest I am not sure where my provider exists in physical reality but a week or so ago my old provider had a fire and that created a lot of what I call pilikia (trauma and drama).

While I was explaining I had a humorous vision of angels twittering. Can you imagine Gabriel putting down his horn and logging onto Twitter instead? Or Archangel Michael laying down his sword and sending out his powerful message on Facebook? Their messages would probably be lost in all the spam and promotional messages that flood the internet everyday.

That thought reminds me of life. Our mind is so busy sending out messages of fear and limitation that we miss the loving messages of our guardian angel and the angelic world as a whole. The message of love is deleivered by the quiet still voice of our spirit. We have to make a conscious choice to focus on that voice instead of the raucous voice of our filter system.

Whatever we focus on we get more of so if we focus on our belief that we are limited instead of our connection to our spirit we create more limitations. So what do you want more of? The heavenly voice of love or the limiting voice of fear?

I do twitter. I send our messages that remind you to connect with your expansive nature and love and joy. Care to tune in? There is a box in the right hand column of this blog where you can sign up. Then you get to choose whether you will see them within all that other stuff. Love is always just a thought away.

With love and aloha,

Angels are everywhere just open your mind and your heart to the signs.

Make Angels on Your Shoulder part of your daily routine and share it with a friend!

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