
Today I received an email from someone who had a direct experience of the divine. She had literally seen heaven and felt the unconditional love of the .angelic realms. She was writing to me because she was in tremendous emotional pain. She experienced life as a living hell and a place of profound suffering. Among other things, I suggested she read the Tao.

Early in my studies I, too, had a glimpse of heaven and then rapidly started creating a living hell for myself by comparing life, as I saw it, with heaven. Since all judgment is fear-based, I was seeing life through the eyes of my very fear-based filter system. Fear always creates hell while unconditional love creates heaven.

I explained to the person that the pain and suffering they thought of as real was really an illusion created by their filter system. We can either see God or love in everything or see the projection of our beliefs in separation and see the fear and suffering our judgments create.

A spiritual mentor once told me that either God was or God wasn’t and either way I wasn’t in charge. When I look at the stars at night or into a small child’s eyes, I have no doubt that that energy of pure unconditional love and creation exists. God is, and angels are everywhere.

God exists in everything. All judgment does is separate me from love and from God. Learning to see God in war, in violence, and in terrorists is where my true freedom lies. I remember once reading something to the effect that God resonates with love and doesn’t look under the covers to make sure it is a man and a woman to experience love. Love is love whether between a man and a man or woman and a woman or a man and a woman. Abortion and homosexuality are two topics that seem to create an incredible amount of judgment for many people claiming to be Christians.

Jesus and angels taught only one thing – love. Love is free of judgment and is expansive. The incredible gift life offers, moment by moment, is the choice to live in heaven or hell, one thought at a time. Ask to see life through the eyes of the angels, drop any and all judgments, and you can live in heaven each and every day of your life. We can learn to view each judgment as an invitation from our spirit to choose love.

I know this person’s pain and I hope she is able to release her judgments so she can see heaven right here on earth.

With love and aloha,

Angels see only love even in our judgments or hatred of one another.

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