
Today I am having a contest  The first ten people who post a Word Cloud will get a free copy of my latest book, CIG: Spiritual Healing. Restore your spirit and heal your life!

Just go to this Wordle URL to make your own Word Cloud.  Post it in the comments section (please see below for detailed instructions on how to do so).  Then, email me your mailing address, and I will send you a copy of my book.

Wordle: angel week word clouds
With love and aloha,

There are angels on your shoulder and if you look in the mirror, you can see one!

To post your Word Cloud in this blog’s comment section, please follow these steps:

1. Create an account on to save your Word Cloud.  Once you do this, your Word Cloud will have a specific URL. 
2. Post the specific URL in the URL box of this blog’s comment section or post the URL directly in the body of the comment box.
3. Don’t forget to email me ( your mailing address.

It is a shame your beautiful works of art aren’t showing up very easily. Mahalo, Susan
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