When I first thought about angles I had visions of ethereal beings, wings and clouds. They are out there and isn’t it wonderful that we live in a world filled with real angels that reach out and touch people’s lives? I recently ran across one of those angels, in of all places, Twitter in the form of #Jobangels.

A man named Mark Stelzner created Jobangels and in a very short period of time people are helping one another find jobs. In his own words,

“The real story is this. I was eating breakfast and thinking about the economy. We were in the throws of a debilitating week of job loss announcements and things looked to be worsening in all sectors. I had been spending a bit of time on Twitter and had accumulated about 700 followers, a large percentage of whom are experts and professionals in the HR sector. So I wondered, what if each of those followers helped just one person find a job? Could we actually make a difference? Here’s the original Tweet:

“Was thinking that if each of us helped just 1 person find a job, we could start making a dent in unemployment. You game?”

The response was immediate and overwhelmingly positive.”

I find it very heartwarming to see people reaching out and helping one another. I remember reading stories of rent parties during the depression of the 1930’s. Neighbors would come together and chip in some money to help a friend pay the rent.

What small thing could you do today to make a difference in someone’s life? Be an angel and then pass it on.

With love and aloha,

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