Recently one of my students was in the midst of many major life changes. Any one of them would have been stressful, but experiencing all of them at the same time was very overwhelming. I made numerous suggestions about making gratitude lists, having a pack of index cards with her favorite quotes handy so she could read them to help her get centered and having a list of nurturing things some place she could easily read it and then make sure she did one.
They were all helpful ideas yet she was still overwhelmed. Then I remembered what I used to do when I first began my spiritual journey and still do frequently: ask for help and then be fully willing accept it. When I was really new to all this stuff I had a lot of doubt and my life was, to say the least, a mess. One of my mentors suggested I ask for help and then take the celestial being with me where ever I went.

It sounded crazy, but I was willing to try anything. So, I would ask for help and then envision the angel or spirit guide of the day sitting next to me in the car. When I went for a job interview I literally assigned a seat to my spiritual helper. I would talk to them a lot and magic really occurred when I took the time to really listen!
Angels, saints, ascended masters, gods and goddesses are all more than willing to help. Helping is their nature, as is love. Open your heart and your mind to their love, wisdom and strength. It is amazing what happens when we ask for help and then are willingly to accept it.
Try it. I am sure you will enjoy the results. I send out messages with spirit guides every other day to my angel list. It never fails that whoever shows up in my inbox is the very being I most need to work with that day. They are free of charge if you’d like to sign up.
With love and aloha,
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