Angel Guidance

A few days ago I received a video from my favourite channel on u-tube  – The Honest Guys – with the subject line, “Mindfulness – 3 Minutes and I looked at it and thought to myself, I will view later when I have more time. I heard this very distinct voice say “you mean you…

We have talked about some of the ways your angels share you messages, signs, and signals to let you know that you are not alone and that they are listening to your questions or requests for assistance and guidance. Here are some other ways your angels send you messages of love, support, wisdom, and assistance:…

2016 is a nine year and that means it is a year of completion. Some of you may have been feeling the affects of this already over the past few months as cycles that are done have needed to be completed. If you have caught the message and did the work then you are probably…

We get messages from our angels and spirit guides in a variety of ways. It is a skill and a great accomplishment when you learn to interpret them in ways that are meaningful to you. As you develop this trust and inner knowing, you will find it easier to discern what is best and right…

Just for Today I thought for Christmas I would do something different and share the Reiki Principles with you as they are not only beautiful words, it is also my wish for you today and everyday.  Reiki Principles Just For Today Do Not Anger Do Not Worry Be Grateful Do Your Work Honestly Be Kind To…

Utilize your  life experience to help make changes that you desire for your life. One of the most valuable quotes by a master who walked the earth are from Gandhi and they are “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”. Oftentimes I see the “You must Be” left off this…

“Light illuminates darkness and gloom, bringing hope and inspiration” Ask your angels to fill you with more light and love for it contains spiritual information and knowledge. These are keys to the Universe and bring love and peace, as well as unlocking the wisdom within you. Regardless what is happening around you, you can always…

Are you listening? The angels say we are much better at the asking than we are at the listening. Your angel guidance this week is to spend some time with your angels and practice connecting and listening. You can hear your the divine guidance from your angels best when you quiet yourself and tune out all…

Your angels are wonderful guides and helpers that are part of your ‘behind the scenes’ crew of loving, benevolent beings who are your support team on this journey called life. They listen and love you unconditionally and always without judgement. Your team of angelic helpers want you to having a wonderful life experience. Take a…

One of the most common questions I am asked is how do I know what I am feeling or seeing is what I think I am getting or knowing and how do I know that it isn’t just wishful thinking? It is not always easy to learn to trust yourself or those thoughts and feelings. Archangel Uriel…

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