Your angels are wonderful guides and helpers that are part of your ‘behind the scenes’ crew of loving, benevolent beings who are your support team on this journey called life. They listen and love you unconditionally and always without judgement. Your team of angelic helpers want you to having a wonderful life experience. Take a moment right now and close your eyes. Take a deep cleansing breath and call upon your angels.


This is a really good time to give birth to new ideas or to find a fresh approach to something in your life that hasn’t been working for you and ask your angels to be your counsellor, friend, and guides. Invite them into whatever it is you are currently experiencing as they are always available to help make things clearer, to help you make decisions and choices and to help you to feel safe and supported with the changes you are making, to help you to understand and know what to do next.

Keep your thoughts and the words you use to describe yourself and your life positive, supportive and focused.  Your prayers are manifesting and your angels are with you, watching over you, guiding you and protecting you. You are powerful and it is safe to be powerful in  loving ways that benefits  all. Trust that we are with you, that you have the resources you need and that all things are falling into place as they should be. Trust that all is truly well and hold the vision of success, the vision of victory for your life and you will come through all of this with flying colours. 

Give all worries about money or career or relationships to God and the angels. Release any thoughts of less than and trust that  you are on the right path  and heading in the direction of your life’s purpose. Focus on one step at a time and release fears about the future to the angels as there truly is not a time when you are not working on your purpose for life. For the best therapy, invoke your angels and the loving guidance they bring to your life.

Affirmation: I trust that all things are as they should be to best help me make choices, to help me with my ideas and inspirations and see the results manifesting in my world.”

Tons of love, Sharon and the angels xox

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