Angel Guidance

The Angels urge you to care for you physical body, your heart and your mind during this time of great change.  Self care is so very important for your expansion.  Care for yourself as you would your child. All parts of you are important and need nurturing, especially in these times of great change. You…

No matter what the question or the problem is, Love is the answer. Love is not just a sentimental emotion, it is a deep seeded aspect of who you truly are.  When truly acknowledged and understood, love will transform our lives into expressions of  abundance, health, happiness, joy and spiritual enlightenment. What more could you ask…

Have you lived before? Yes,  you have been here before, even if you don’t currently remember what that feels like. Through Reincarnation you have left yourself little packets of memories to help you find your way. Sometimes the best guidance you can receive is a gift to you from you. Viewing your past lives can…

A new year will soon be here. It is the time to take a personal inventory, and to make some plans and begin to set our intentions towards making those plans a reality. Take a look at who you are, to understand what you came here to be, and to make this the year you do…

All of your prayers are being heard and answered. Are you listening? Ask, believe and be open to receive the answers that you seek. Your angel guidance for today is to pay attention to your dreams, and intuitive feelings. Be open and expecting, yet know that your dreams could come to you in surprising ways, so look around…

The Angels say that today is the best day to celebrating who you are and how far you have come. Celebrate your progress, even if you don’t think you are where you would like to be. The angels like to remind me that I am exactly where I should be. There is no better place than…

Each thought is an investment that pays immediate dividends, so invest wisely. You have the power to choose your thoughts and align them with love, peace, and harmony. At your request, the angels will gladly attune your energies to higher frequencies, helping you master using the Law of Attraction. Using The Law of Attraction can help…

The purpose of your life is to serve in a way that brings great joy to yourself and others.Do not worry about finding your purpose, let your purpose find you. Focus your energy on serving a purpose, and then your purpose will serve you. Begin to live your dreams today by serving a purpose. This messages comes…

Call in Archangel Michael when you need help with courage, strength and assistance in any area of your life. He can help you to release doubt, fear and other lower thought forms. As you make changes in your life and as you encounter challenges, remember that when Archangel Michael is by your side that you are…

I’ve had quite a few emails from people asking how to stay in the energy of light and love. How do I  keep my vibration high when there is so much chaos going on around me?  I take time to consciously raise my vibration with a meditation and cleansing exercise. Here is a meditation that works…

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