I’ve had quite a few emails from people asking how to stay in the energy of light and love. How do I  keep my vibration high when there is so much chaos going on around me?  I take time to consciously raise my vibration with a meditation and cleansing exercise. Here is a meditation that works wonders in raising your vibration.

Remember as always like attracts like, stay in the spirit of love and light. Negative energy attracts more of the same. Should you sense negative energy, visualize yourself pouring an abundance of love and light over yourself, the room, the situation, and everything around you.

Visualize a flower unfurling to raise your Vibration


1) Take a few minutes of deep breathing to centre yourself ( take 5 deep cleansing breaths)
2) When you feel ready begin at the root chakra (located at the base of your spine)
3) Visualize it as a red budding flower
4) Imagine that it is starting to open and blossom before your very eyes. Inspect it very closely.
5) If it doesn’t look healthy visualize white light shining through it and let the light repair the flower so that it looks beautiful and healthy once again. Move up to the next chakra. Repeat the exercise with each chakra, changing the flower colour as you work up your body. If you can’t remember the flower colour for the chakras, use bright white light instead. The names of the chakras are not important just the location, so try and remember where each chakra is located.

Red= Root/base chakra base of spine

Orange = Spleen Chakra below navel
Yellow = Solar plexus chakra above the navel
Green = Heart chakra center of chest
Blue = Throat chakra around your neck and throat
Indigo = Third eye chakra- the brow area between your eyes
Violet = Crown chakra- top of your head

Repeat this during your day if you find your energy waning and enjoy living in the higher vibrations of love.

Tons of love, Sharon and the angels xoxox


Read more at http://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/angelguidance

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