Archangel Sandalphon is one of my favourite Archangels to work with. When I first started working with them, he was the hardest one for me to recognize because of the subtleness of his energy. Once I had tuned in and realized what it was all along, it was like the sweetest homecoming of love imaginable.

When Archangel Sandalphon is around me, I usually find my physical body is actually swaying to music, even if there is nothing playing at all. It is as if he awakens a celestial choir that feel deep within, not necessarily hear. Then I usually feel a wave of love come all over me from my heart. It quiet a lovely sensation. I encourage you to quiet yourself and ask this beautiful archangel to overlight you and feel it.

Don’t beat yourselves up if you don’t catch the wave right away.  I left him till last because it was a bit more work to let go of this realm and connect with his light than any of the other angels and masters I worked with.

His message today to us to be ready for action.

“Delays are over and it is time to focus on this next phase. Complete your unfinished projects as it just delays this shift and you are ready to move on to the next steps for humanity as well as the individual. This is a time of stepping into big contracts. The hopes and dreams your souls had before they came into manifestation on the physical level. Don’t delay! Trust your intuition, leave the mental energy out that aspect. Use the mental energy to propel those goals forward, but trust that this is more of an emotional experience than it is a mental one so the quicker you can get into it is by trusting yourself. No one understands the deeper truth of your situations better than you! You now have the freedom to go in any direction you choose…don’t settle for less than pure heart can imagine and take steps today to move on to this next phase. ”

Love and blessings, Sharon, Archangel Sandalphon and the Angels

Here is an affiliate link to Sharon’s book contains lots of wonderful ways to work with the angels and makes a wonderful present. Available here through a amazon link Angel Guidance, Messages of love and Healing or get the kindle and start reading today! 

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