Believe in Yourself!


You have been receiving guidance and signs from your angels as the answers to your prayers for something new and so your angel guidance is to open yourself up to the possibility that more is on the horizon. Make the choice that is best for you rather than trying to please others. This is about you and what makes your heart sing, not what others think is best for you, even though their intentions might be coming from the right place. They are  not you and are not ‘walking in your moccasins’. This is a time of great awakening and your abilities are changing with each step that you take. This is the beginning of a new era or a rebirth, like the butterfly emerging from its cocoon.

If you have been feeling trapped intellectually or emotionally, it is time to break free. Take positive action in making your dreams a reality. Decision making can sometimes be challenging but your intuition will guide you to the perfect choice for you. If you lack clarity, ask your angels to show you a sign or just listen to your own guidance. Learn to connect with and trust that still wise voice within the centre of your being as that is your connection to the All that Is.  Have confidence in yourself and do not let the past or others keep you from attaining your goals.

Your angel guidance for today is to remember that you are a beautiful spark of Creator Light and let no one  diminish you!

Tons of love, Sharon and the angels xox

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