Activist Faith

[Guest post by Activist Faith co-founder Daniel Darling, minister, author, and speaker, and friend, interviewing WorldCrafts president and New Hope CEO Dr. Andrea Mullins. Worldcrafts is a Christian fair-trade artisan group based in Birmingham, AL.] I have found Andrea to be a wonderful friend, someone who is deeply passionate about sharing the gospel around the…

When I speak about stopping human trafficking, people often ask, “How?” I don’t have all of the answers, but in our book and DVD Not in My Town, Charles Powell and I include a chapter that shares many of the solutions we are discovering along the way. These include ideas we have implemented, along with…

Big news from Activist Faith co-founder Dan King and friends from… +++ You’re reading about the #Help1Haiti Bloggers Trip. Read more: here we go… @helponenow haiti bloggers 2012 three reasons to follow the @helponenow haiti bloggers sometimes it’s messy work on the importance of coming back in which God is up to something together, our stories…

[Guest post from Activist Faith co-founder and pastor Daniel Darling. Originally posted here.] We’re going through James at Gages Lake Bible Church in a series we’re calling Authentic Faith. Currently we’re in the middle of chapter three, which gives perhaps the most specific, biting description of the tongue in all of Scripture and perhaps all…

I recently read an article that asked if Christians can be environmentalists. Blow by blow, each side produced its reasons for and against this question, as if the issue was up for debate. But here is what is really at stake: 1. Christians believe God created the earth. 2. Genesis says God called it good.…

It’s an unbelievable claim: 163 millions female babies aborted by women seeking sons. This is the information shared in Mara Hvistendahl’s book Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys Over Girls and the Consequences in a World Full of Men. But even if she’s off by even ten or twenty percent, the headline remains tragic. Whatever your view…

The Christian Post recently announced an innovative strategy by my friends at Food for the Poor to both help those in need and create jobs for those in need. An excerpt is below. My question to readers: What other ideas are you seeing that go beyond helping the poor but also empowering those in need?…

“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”-James 1:22 The book of James is perhaps the most direct letter in the New Testament. Rather than word pictures or abundant illustrations, James gets down to business by verse 2. By verse 22, he bluntly informs readers, “Do not merely…

In kindergarten, racism was not part of my vocabulary. My friends had skin of all kinds of colors in our somewhat urban environment. We were brothers and sisters, friends and buddies. Whether learning to tie our shoes or eat glue, we were one family.Second grade presented a different twist. My parents left the city like…

Jesus lived in occupied territory. His mother, Mary, grew up in Nazareth, a small village that included a Roman bathhouse used by occupying forces. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, also occupied by Romans. He was dedicated at the Temple in Jerusalem, again, under foreign control. He grew up in Egypt, then part of the Roman…

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