Mother Teresa has said, “Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work.” My friend Dan King experienced this during a recent trip to Haiti. His reflections are shared for you below.…

World Vision, the global Christian humanitarian behemoth, has turned micro. Microfinance that is. Microfinance, for those unaware, is the concept of providing a small loan (as low as $25 US) to help a person in the developing world start a sustainable business. When that loan is repaid, the person can borrow a larger amount to…

The Help One Now Haiti Bloggers working on their legacy strategy. You’re reading about the #Help1Haiti Bloggers Trip. Read more: here we go… @helponenow haiti bloggers 2012 three reasons to follow the @helponenow haiti bloggers sometimes it’s messy work on the importance of coming back in which God is up to something together, our stories change things:…

A recent CNN story tells an little-known tale of a minister who played a significant role in bringing Jackie Robinson to the Dodgers, shattering Major League Baseball’s color barrier in the process. As I mention in my book Undefending Christianity, Christian faith is a major factor that has shaped many positive changes taking place regarding…

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