When we watch the latest uprising on television or read about the toll of the latest natural disaster on people in another country, we are often inspired to help. We want to make a difference. We want to change the world. But doing it is another matter. We often find ourselves discouraged with the sheer…

Guest post from Activist Faith co-founder, pastor, and author Daniel Darling offering a balanced, graceful perspective on one of the most pressing issues in America today from my perspective–immigration. Read, dialogue, and enjoy! -Dillon +++ A few days ago I posted a blog expressing some of my frustration regarding what I perceived as some callousness…

With the exponentially-rising cost of higher education in America, pundits have recently suggested formal education is “less important” than in the past. Blaming a combination of the economy and liberal philosophies of public education, increasingly even religious people are suggesting people skip college to enter the military or workforce. But is education good for the…

A great quote and powerful interview with environmental activist Ben Lowe from my friends at RejectApathy.com. Read and be inspired! What needs to change in order to create a new environmental reality? First, the thinking that “the earth is ours and revolves around us” must shift to an authentic appreciation that “the earth is God’s…

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