Over 800 million people lack access to clean water. Living Water International‘s goal is to transform this horrific statistic through clean water wells in the developing world.

In November 2011, my first devotional book Thirst No More will be published to help create awareness and provide financial support for Living Water’s efforts. You can help, too. The first step is awareness, or simply learning more about the issue. The video below is a great first four minutes to inspire your day and begin your personal quest to help bring clean water to those in need.


DILLON BURROUGHS is an author, activist, and co-founder of Activist Faith. Dillon served in Haiti following the epic 2010 earthquake and has investigated modern slavery in the US and internationally. His books include Undefending Christianity, Not in My Town (with Charles J. Powell), and Thirst No More (October). Discover more at ActivistFaith.org.

Photo courtesy of water.cc.

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