A personal plea from me and my friends at Open Doors International. Please take a moment to read and sign a petition to help persecuted Christians in Iraq.




and violence against Christians in Iraq are rapidly increasing due to
Islamic extremists who are trying to eradicate Christians from the

Please Take a Moment to Sign a Petition
Ask Secretary of State Clinton to work with the Iraqi government to
immediately form and implement a comprehensive plan of action to
protect the dwindling community of Christians in Iraq.

The number of Christians in Iraq has decreased from an estimated 850,000 in 1991 to 330,000 today and of those who remain, more than half are internally displaced due to violence and constant threats against them by Islamic extremists.

The Iraqi government clearly has not made protection of Christians in Iraq a priority.
The U.S. government needs to strongly encourage and work with the Iraqi
government to protect Christians and other religious minorities before
they are all driven out of Iraq.

Please take action today
and sign a petition to Secretary of State Clinton raising these
concerns. Please share this petition with your friends and family. The
more signatures we gather, the greater influence we will have on our
current administration in prioritizing the protection of vulnerable
Christians in Iraq.

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