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– A Boost for Body, Mind & Spirit to Keep You Thinking Healthy All Winter Long –

New York, NY – January 29, 2007 – Beliefnet.com, the leading online community for inspiration and spirituality, today kicked off its first annual Winter Health Week, a five day celebration of winter wellness that could be just the prescription for those cold weather blahs. Chilly temperatures, runny noses and icy sidewalks can make winter a challenging time to feel and be healthy. With this in mind, Beliefnet’s editors and wellness experts have compiled enough quizzes, polls and meditations to help inspire and encourage well-being all winter long. From healthy eating to special vacations that nurture body, mind and spirit, Beliefnet offers powerful tools for staying spiritually and physically healthy and avoiding the winter doldrums.

“Every year more and more people are turning to the Internet for clues for coping with personal health and wellness issues,” said Debbie Caldwell, Beliefnet’s Managing Editor. “In our first ever Winter Health Week, we’ve compiled fun, interactive features that we hope everyone from sometime sneezers to dedicated health enthusiasts will find both inspiring and informative.”

Winter Health Week includes the following soul warming topics:


Everyone gets "the blues" now and then, but winter often exacerbates feelings of sadness and depression. Find out about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), discover how optimistic you are and check out Therese J. Borchard’s “12 Steps to Happiness.”


How do your emotions affect your immune system? The key to feeling well this winter might be in your ability to cope with stress. Learn how stress attacks the body and pick up spiritual techniques for managing expectations about health and wellbeing.


Warmth isn't only a temperature gauge, it can also be a state of mind. Find out how you can warm up your creative juices, explore the Top 10 Ways to Stay Warm and quiz yourself about soul warming aromatherapy practices.


What's the ideal winter escape? Curling up by the fire? Hitting the slopes? Heading south in search of the tropical sun? Explore your vacation style with Beliefnet’s vacation quiz, learn about traveling safely and find out how to “get in the flow” on the ski slopes.


Even the most dedicated health enthusiasts face the dual challenges of winter: the temptations of rich comfort foods and the restriction on outdoor activities like jogging, bicycling, or walking. Get your heart rate up and take a spiritual approach to your food choices with Beliefnet’s motivational tips and suggestions.

Check out Winter Health Week at www.beliefnet.com through Friday, February 2nd and all winter long. Beliefnet editors and experts are available to provide additional information on any Winter Health Week topic.


About Beliefnet:
Beliefnet is the largest spirituality online community, attracting more than 3.1 million unique visitors per month according to Media Metrix (August 2006). More than 9 million people subscribe to Beliefnet’s daily email newsletters, accounting for more than 16.5 million subscriptions. The company is independent and not affiliated with a particular religion or spiritual movement. Beliefnet, Inc. is a privately held company funded by employees, individual investors, Softbank Capital and Blue Chip Venture Company. http://www.beliefnet.com

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