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As someone who’s life has been devastated by an earthquake, I can tell you there is nothing more terrifying. Consequently, I have a great deal of sensitivity and compassion to all of those who have been impacted by the recent earthquakes and tsunamis that have hit American Samoa and Indonesia this week. My heartfelt sympathy and prayers go out to all of you who have friends and family in these regions. Our prayers to you for their safety.

In 1992, the Northridge earthquake hit Los Angeles and in a matter of minutes, my entire life as I had known it, changed forever. We lost most of our material possessions, and both our home and business (located one block away) were condemned. We no longer had a home or any place to go. But my baby girl, then 14 months old, was safe and so were we and that was all that mattered. We were extremely lucky.

Once you experience a devastation like this, you are never the same. My PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) still gets triggered whenever an earthquake occurs anywhere. But I manage by reminding myself that God is with us always, in whatever circumstances we encounter.

There there were many blessings that followed this experience for me. It deepened my spiritual path. It helped me to become more clear about what really mattered. I am no longer attached to anything.

I now trust that everything happens for reasons that we may never truly understand. I have been taught the power of surrender and acceptance. And most importantly, I have learned that the only safety that exists is with God. And, no matter what is happening or what it looks like…we will always be taken care of.

That being said, thousands of people in this moment are in need of our help and prayers. If you’d like to contribute to relief efforts you can do so at these sites:
The Red Cross
Direct Relief

Here’s a prayer for all those whose lives have been impacted by these tragedies:

Dear God,
When all is darkness

and we feel our weakness and helplessness,

give us the sense of Your presence,

Your love, and Your strength.

Help us to have perfect trust

in Your protecting love

and strengthening power,

so that nothing may frighten or worry us,

for, living close to You,

we shall see Your hand,

Your purpose, Your will through all things.

~ St. Ignatius of Loyola

Peace & Blessings to all.

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