ain't broke.jpgSometimes we get so caught up in trying to change things and make them better than we discount (or even discard) what is genuinely working. On this 28th day of your charmed-life journey, bring to mind—and ideally write down on paper—what is working in your life today and what has worked in the past that may work again. Then be sure that you’re focusing on and cooperating with all that’s moving you forward, and consider reinstating certain practices that you’ve let go of that may stand you in good stead yet again.

In my life, the things that are working include:
  • Sticking with a high-raw diet, modified a bit for the colder weather
  • Working on book proposal every day
  • Being part of a business action group
  • Improving the feng shui and vibrational health of my home
Things I need to revise/revamp/reinstate include:
  • Getting a new weight lifting program that won’t exacerbate my neck injury
  • Having a set time of day to check in with my gratitude buddy
Be grateful for everything you’ve figured out that makes your life hum along swimmingly. The more you use what you’ve got, the more you’ll get.
Photo credit: TKA Group
Victoria Moran is a certified holistic health and life coach with telephone clients across the country and scattered around the globe. If you’ve thought about coaching, take a look at If you’ would like to schedule an introductory call, be sure to mention discount code BR1109 for 20% off on your first coaching package.
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