
Have you ever been asked how you get close to God? You can get closer to Him through prayer, worship, praise, through going to church, going to Bible study and through just spending one on one time with Him. You draw near to God by first wanting to draw near to Him.  You should want to spend time getting to know Him if you ever want to know what He is really about. He cares about you so deeply that He wants a relationship with you. Even though we all sin every day, He still wants us to come to Him in prayer, through reading the Bible. Draw near to Him and to His will for your life.

There is something so special about one on one time with Him. He is always there for you and thinking about you. When you get closer to Him you will feel a sense of peace that is almost unexplainable. That peace will fill your heart, mind, body and your soul. It is the feeling of having all your burdens lifted from your shoulders, when you realize that God is the one in control. Knowing that you aren’t the one in control of your own life all the way, probably will freak some people out. For others, it brings them peace knowing that God is the one who knows all things and that He knows exactly how life will end up for each of us.
Other ways you can draw near to God is by going to church every chance you get. You may not be able to go every week, because of your schedule with your children, and other daily activities. But remember, if your weekend is full of activities, God isn’t going to strike you down for not going to church. You can skip church occasionally, just don’t make it a habit. Going to church is such an important way to get close to God, because it not only brings you the opportunity to learn about Him and learn more about His work in your life. You can also learn even more about His word. It also gives you many opportunities to serve Him and to learn how to be a better Christian.
Think about it, if we all knew everything there is to know about being Christians, then we wouldn’t even need to spend time with Him or to even go to church, would we? If we were all knowing the way He is, we wouldn’t even need Him in our lives period. God wants us to draw near to us and He wants us to draw near to Him by going to church. We can draw near to Him by serving Him with our many talents, time and our treasures. Think about the many ways we can serve in church. We can serve by being ushers for communion, during the offering, by volunteering on our churches mission team, by volunteering to feed the homeless and the sick, as well as the shut ins. We can volunteer our time, by serving brunches and dinners at any homeless shelter within our community with our church leaders.
We can also serve by volunteering as members of our churches praise team. Leading the congregation in worship each week with the praise team at my church is something I’ve enjoyed doing for the last six years and it never ceases to strengthen my faith. It is something I love to do and I’ve been blessed with friendships that will last a lifetime because of the people in my home congregation.
Tithing or offering up our treasures in church is something that is hard for all of us at one time or another. It isn’t easy to remember to give a portion of our earnings that we get at our jobs, back to God while we are in worship. We may have financial difficulties that prevent us from giving our offerings or tithing back to God. But even if we can’t always give to Him, as long as we stay close to Him, God will stay near to us. As stated earlier, God isn’t going to be mad at you, just because you can’t always give a weekly offering. He understands that we can’t always give money back to Him, but He will make ways when there seems to be no way to give. Even if you give a mere two dollars or even 10 dollars, and you give to Him with your full heart, He sees you giving to Him with the love that He put into your heart in the first place.  If your heart is pure when you give, He will bless you in return.
God has already blessed you, and He already knows you backwards and forwards. Why not enjoy the life that comes with getting to know Him?
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