Marxist Harry Belafonte Recommends Obama Imprison Conservatives… Singer, actor, and known Marxist, Harry Belafonte was on with his dear friend Al Sharpton this week, when he recommended imprisoning those who disagree with the Obama agenda. Belafonte told Sharpton what he thinks Barack Obama ought to do with his opposition: “The only thing left for…

Calvin’s Commentary: Did you ever think you would be more proud of France’s actions (you know the country that knows how to surrender in war quicker and more effectively than all the others) than the President of the USA who immediately went on an apology tour for the film done by a USA filmmaker that…

Another reason why… OBAMA IS ENDORSED BY THE COMMUNIST PARTY, USA         LIST OF 10 PLANKS of the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO THE 45 COMMUNIST GOALS AS READ INTO THE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, 1963 Documents prove Obama was member of socialist New Party Communist Party USA Endorses Obama and Democrats Again…

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