Scot asked a good question last week: How come people who are clearly not evangelical keep getting upset about what evangelicals do? He asks this in response to the semi-furor around Rob Bell’s (seemingly off-handed) remark to a newspaper reporter about why he abjures the “Evangelical” label. Like many others, Rob has felt disenfranchised from…

I was having a conversation with a friend about the evangelical interest in Jim Belcher’s book, Deep Church.  Jim’s written a good book, and I was happy to endorse it — albeit with the caveat that he and I disagree significantly on some theological issues like the nature of God and the nature of scripture.…

I introduced Flory and Miller’s book,  Finding Faith: The Spiritual Quest of the Post-Boomer Generation, earlier this week.  As sociologists, Flory and Miller have no axe to grind, thus I find their taxonomy of the emerging movement inherently more honest than mine or Kimball’s, Dricoll’s, McKnight’s, Pagitt’s, McLaren’s, or Stetzer’s. And, honestly, they’re not really…

I’ve been generally unhappy with the existing taxonomies of the emerging/-ent church movement that are out there.  The most well known, I suppose, is Ed Stetzer’s triptych: Relevants: “They are simply trying to explain the message of Christ in a way their generation can understand.” Reconstructionists: They “think that the current form of church is…

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