Through the Lens of Faith

I have long enjoyed going to the museum to look at wonderful artistic creations. Sometimes I wonder how some of the paintings got in the museum in the first place! Yet I stopped to think about God as the master painter and we as his works of art. God would want every one of his…

Sometimes life comes down to how you handle things that come your way. Some things can be easier to deal with and other things may take awhile to grasp. When I look at this handle I think about the handles in my life, the handles of friends that help me find a steady footing. When…

Depending on what word you use for the items in this picture, it could be luggage for a journey or a symbol of the baggage you are carrying through life. I love traveling, though I tend to skimp on how many pieces of luggage I take with me. I don’t like to carry heavy items…

Stained glass windows have always been interesting to me. I love seeing the different colors and how the light shines through, making those colors even more vibrant. In churches, especially, I like to see how the windows portray the scriptures to the people. Although I may have looked at a particular image a hundred times…

The sandbox. It is a place of community — where children of all ages, shapes and sizes can gather and play without boundaries. It is also a solitary place, where one can think and wonder about the greater things of life. Ever since I was a little girl, playing in the sandbox was one of…

These stones have withstood the ages. These stones have stood through countless rainstorms, wind, hail and seasons. They have not shifted, regardless of what comes their way. When I saw them in person I was struck by their size, but also how much they have weathered over the years. Yet, how many times have I…

Come and sit awhile. Do you ever feel that you are running constantly and think if only for a moment you can sit down everything would be right with the world? Do you ever feel guilty when you do stop for a minute? Sometimes when I stop after a day of running around constantly, I…

Have you ever walked down a busy street and found your heart moved to say a prayer for someone who suddenly crossed your mind? Or have you been sitting at the office reading an email that came asking for prayers? It is amazing that we can stop wherever we are and in the midst of…

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