Through the Lens of Faith

Lights and darks meet on the horizon. It seems like an unreachable destination sometimes. So far, yet so close, the horizon taunts you with a possible completion of a goal or a teasing, “I’m finally here.” The ship keeps moving towards the horizon and it seems like it may even run out of room as…

There’s a saying of taking to something “like a duck to water.” When something you do comes so naturally, it can be like getting in the water and having the instincts to kick your feet and stay afloat. And when watching those ducks in the water, it’s fun to realize that there’s a whole lot…

I walked through an estate sale recently. I love looking at what others have collected over the years. It gets me thinking about what I collect. As I looked at the various knickknacks, clothing and furniture for sale, I started to wonder what people would find as treasure if they went through my house. Would they find…

I’ve never been great at skipping stones across a lake. I love watching when others do and counting the number of skips and jumps as it moves across. When I look at this photograph, I find myself appreciating the serene beauty and notice the peaceful waters even with the ripples. It serves to remind me…

I love sunflowers. I remember my favorite grade school song was “Like A Sunflower” and I was so excited when we were traveling on a family vacation once that there was an entire field of sunflowers that reminded me of the song. Aside from the color of the flowers, and the tasty seeds, I like…

Where can inspiration happen? According to this photo, it might happen at 7,200 feet elevation. When I took this photo in the Grand Tetons the inspiration I found, in part, meant being amazed I made the climb in the first place. After I caught my breath I couldn’t help but be inspired by the view.…

I was sitting in the prayer circle at one of the local Omaha colleges and was looking at the crucifix. The crucifix is on a slight hill across from the main buildings of the campus. I became aware that Jesus’ eyes are open in this image which is something I never noticed in other representations. From…

This photo is a wall of prayers that sits in front of the House of Mary in Ephesus, Turkey. I visited this site a few years ago. Hundreds and hundreds of prayers are written on little slips of paper, tissues and anything available and tied to this wall. It is so powerful to see. I…

I love to watch the windmills on the farms when I drive through Iowa. They are so huge and seem overwhelming on the landscape. But I realize they are there for a purpose to provide energy. It’s amazing that something so big and powerful can do so much to provide for so many. It got…

    There is something powerful about standing in the vicinity of a mountain. Its sheer size and the processes of nature that helped to create their individuality. It’s breathtaking. I wonder sometimes if there is a tendency to be more anxious about the mountains that we have yet to encounter. Sometimes when you see…

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