A month or so ago I announced that I was looking for movies with Christian killers, and many of you helped out with titles that hadn’t occurred to me. I’ve since seen more religiously motivated violence on screen than I care to recount, and I have a long way to go, but I’m enjoying this…

I’m looking for movies that depict Christian killers of some kind, from slasher films like The Night of the Hunter and Martin Scorcese’s remake of Cape Fear (where the killer is a Pentecostal) to less incendiary accounts like Robert Duvall’s The Apostle. Really, any sort of violence will do–think of Mandy Moore’s car slamming into the Jesus…

My undergraduate literary theory professor warped my brain, for better and worse. One item in the Worse category: He ruined my love of Roger Ebert. One dumb morning, Professor Grumpy (not his real name) worked up a full head of steam while berating “evaluative criticism” as a blight on society, and excoriated Roger Ebert for…

Paul Asay put together a cast of characters for an imaginary “Genesis: The Movie,” with suggested celebrities to fill the roles. My favorite moment: She has no lines. She has no name. Lot’s wife is famous for one thing: turning into a pillar of salt when she took one last glance at the doomed cities…

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