Walter Cronkite didn’t lend his name to many things. So it was notable when he became chairman of the Interfaith Alliance, a group in part created to combat the “religious right.” As the Alliance’s founder C. Welton Gaddy explained: “As a man of personal faith who loved his country and its Constitution, Walter Cronkite looked…

The “common ground” abortion legislation re-introduced today does seem to represent real political progress. I’m on jury duty today so I haven’t been able to do any extra reporting but looking over the summary of the legislation, known as “Ryan-DeLauro,” here’s what provisionally strikes me: For starters, last time Planned Parenthood would not sign on…

There was a major breakthrough today for efforts to achieve common ground on reducing the number of abortions. Rep. Tim Ryan, a pro-lifer, and Rosa DeLauro, pro-choice, reintroduced a revised version of their common ground legislation, drawing a wider range of support. I’ll comment on the politics and substance in a separate post. For now,…

I’ve written in the past of my frustration that health care advocates — both policymakers, religious lefties and spinmeisters — aren’t focusing sufficiently on the pre-existing condition problem as one of the central outrages of the modern health care system. A few reminders from readers: JB Chicago One of my closest friends has a pre-existing…

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