People in America seem to think that we are entitled to be happy and satisfied all the time.  We buy bigger houses, faster cars, new clothes and furniture, and so much more.  We just have to have the latest electronic gadget or game system.  Maybe a nice trip to the Bahamas or an Alaskan cruise would make us feel better.

     Do things really bring us happiness and contentment?  Can lots of money give us peace at night?    Can stuff, stuff, and more stuff make us more ready for the Kingdom of God?  We already have so much to be thankful for, yet we are thankful for so little.  I wonder how God feels when He sees His children chasing after such meaningless things.

     Don’t get me wrong, I like nice things too.  However, I already have too much stuff.  I have more clothes than 3 people need.  I own like 6 coats and probably  10 pairs of shoes.  I think there is a limit to how much we should indulge ourselves.  Could our extra money be spent better elsewhere?  Our answers will be as different as each of us.  Only God can help us figure out what is right for us.  I can’t decide for you and you can’t decide for me.  Maybe you need 6 coats and 10 pairs of shoes to fit your lifestyle.  I don’t.

     In Matthew 6:19-21 it says, “Lay not up for yourselves treasure upon the earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt and where thieves break through and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where neither moth or rust corrupt, and where no thieves do not break through and steal.  For where your treasure is, there will be your heart also.

     Treasures we store up in Heaven are things like kindness, caring for the poor, helping children, encouraging a neighbor, visiting someone’s grandma and so many other simple things we can do every day.  And, none of them cost money so we all can afford to do it.  God always supplies our needs.  He often also gives us many of the desires of our hearts; just because He loves us so much.  Let’s make a conscious choice to be grateful and not greedy.

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