If you were granted a wish, what would it be? Not like from a genie for a thousand more wishes or even for world peace…although I’d like both myself.

But really ask yourself what you want. What do you wish for your life? A better body? A husband or wife? A new job? A fancy house? Wads of cash? What would you ask for if no one would judge you?  After you go through the list of a walk-in closet of designer chic, a beachfront mansion, sports car, trips to Europe, Broadway shows, or whatever floats your boat and tickles your fancy.  Yes, I’d like boat too…a yacht. I know they have a lot of upkeep and we don’t fish, but boats sure look fun.  Yes, I’d like fun.  What do you want?

Just know that whatever it is, the temporary high will always dissipate and you will be left with you. Your vibe is not dependent on outside sources as much as you would like to think. Granted, when my kids are driving me crazy, I totally put the blame on them for my bad mood. Or when I find the perfect pair of shoes, it’s like in Cinderella when the birds are chirping as they fly around me in a fairy tale. Won’t last though because…remember my kids drive me bananas. I actually wonder what it’s like to just have one child again. I have five. My first was four when we had our second. That was thirteen years ago. I am lucky I remember last week at this point. I digress. I asked myself with the New Moon last night to set intentions. And I hear the Spice Girls singing, “Wannabe”…Yo, I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want,”

I asked for clarity. I have many projects, jobs, responsibilities, and plans. The housewife I was is long gone and in between her and here, I was having A LOT of fun. Right now is harder too because babies don’t really care if you work anyway. They need you. And I want to enjoy my time with her. My oldest is visiting colleges and graduates the coming year. Eck! I said the C word…COLLEGE! I’m in denial. It’s fine. I realize as an entrepreneur that we crave independence to create, express, make money, grow businesses, reach higher success, but at what cost? I want financial freedom, but not at the cost of life freedom. Things are lopsided lately as I am returning emails for my Life coaching, Beach body customers, and upcoming launch of my book in September…among others like radio shows. I’ve become busy. I actually hate that word. My next blog with be the Busy disease. How to prevent it and cure it.

My wish is to have more time to enjoy life.  Time to put myself on my schedule. Literally, I’m getting my planner out and scheduling checking email, FB time, Beach Body time, exercise, and all that in the morning and if I have to in the evening, so I can enjoy the rest of the summer with my kids. Wishing you a lovely week with lots of wonderful moments. That’s what it’s really all about anyway.

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