I have heard of few religious leaders speaking out against the ugliness emerging from the campaign trail, especially on race and violence. That makes this powerful essay in the latest issue of the Jesuit weekly America that much more welcome. It is by Bishop Blase Cupich of Rapid City, S.D and it is titled “Racism and the Election.” It’s all worth…

Now this would be a serious change of tone–and the smartest move yet in the heretofore hapless McCain-Palin campaign. The LATimes reports (via Sarah Pulliam at Christianity Today) on McCain’s make-up appearance on Letterman last night and McCain’s revelation that Palin would be going on Saturday Night Live soon. “Probably get more of an audience…

Now this is more like it. Sure, you’re not going to see a lot of jocularity and self-deprecation–or raising $4 million for charity rather than themselves–but the Al Smith Dinner, the white-tie gala and quadrennial campaign-free zone that was held last night in New York, showed how welcome such an event can be. The Times…

…And as predicted, he may want to give it back. Read the rather funny Times’ “Caucus” piece about Joe the Plumber, star of last night’s debate…Or, rather, Samuel J. Wurzelbacher. And he’s actually not a plumber. But he is an angry Republican who owes back taxes and may not actually pay any extra taxes if he…

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