This week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, entitled “Our Lady of the Squash Blossoms” was inspired by squash blossoms! Did you know that summer squash blossoms?  And that those blossoms are edible? Bright orange Squash Blossoms are primarily found at farmer’s markets and specialty stores, and often served fried.   But for those us who…

This afternoon, just as I was thinking, “I sure am in the mood for something sweet,” lo n’ behold, right there on the kitchen counter sat three ripe bananas, begging to be mashed! “Mash me,” they sang. “Okay, I will,” I replied, as I quickly reviewed my rolodex of recipes and found my tried and…

We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us happy is something to be enthusiastic about. ~ Albert Einstein Hi there, hey there, ho there … TUSHKATEERS!!! Oh My!  Another beautiful day!!!  Can you take it??? I could bitch n’ moan about the…

Greetings my fellow chefs, functional or dysfunctional, ‘into’ bread or not, either way, you are going to love, love, love this uber-delish, healthy and fabulously colorful and beautiful recipe! Are you ready???  Good!!!  Here we go!!! She’s a Stacked Triple Decker Tomato Slider  Ingredients: 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 1 T. white wine vinegar 1 T.…

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