In their infinite wisdom, has published a spectacular gallery piece (if I say so myself) that features 10 Ways to Curb, Conquer and Control Nighttime Eating, which is a weighty topic, for sure!  Many people say that they stay happily on their ‘healthy lifestyle path,’ until the sun goes down. That’s when the demons…

Helloooo Tushkateers!    How are you on this most amazing day?  “What’s amazing about it,” you ask?  Well, for one thing, the sun, the clouds, the wind, the birds, the air, the water–all elements are freely flowing–and we get to enjoy and rejoice in all of it–again!  Whoa, I am in a good mood!  And…

Last weekend, we (DH and I) were invited to a Garden Party!  Imagine that!!!  Outside, in a garden!  Thus the name, garden party! Duh 🙂  Nevertheless, thrilling for this CityGrrrl. I asked, “What can I bring?”  A Broccoli Dish was the answer!   Now, while you might think Broccoli Not-so-Exciting, think again!  Or…taste again.  Because… …This…

Q:  How amazing and magical is it when someone (a good friend, neighbor or even a relative) shows up at your front door with a bowl of somethin’ special that she (or he) has just whipped up to share with you–that is not only delish, but healthy as well? A:  Very amazing! 🙂 I am…

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