I just got back from vacation. As is my tradition, I’ll put up some photos. In a day or two I’ll get back to more substantial blogging.
nathan tubingOur vacation began with a few days in the Sierra Nevada mountains of central California. I put up some photos from this part of our vacation a few days ago. Following our stay in the mountains, we headed for the beach, where we housesat for some friends for a week.
One of the highlights of our coastal stay was a boat trip with some other friends. My children enjoyed tubing behind the boat. In the photo to the right, my son gets some “big air” as he is tubing in choppy seas.
catching barracudeWe did a bit of ocean fishing. Most of our catches were not quite large enough to take home and eat. The photo to the right shows a 24-inch barracuda. That sounds pretty big if you’re used to freshwater fishing. But a barracuda has to be at least 28 inches long, otherwise you’ve got to catch and release.
The photo below shows Dana Point harbor at sunset. What a restful spot!
dana point harbor

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