When we begin to use a new technology, usually we focus on its primary impact. For example, when I got my first cell phone, I was excited about the possibility of staying in touch with people with whom I worked when I wasn’t near a phone. I envisioned sitting in traffic on the way to…

In yesterday’s post I examined ways in which technology can support God’s work in the world. Specifically, I noted now the early Christian use of letters and roads helped to spread the good news of Jesus Christ throughout the Roman world. Yet Scripture also bears witnesses to potential downsides of technology. A major negative example…

Thanks to those who contributed comments to yesterday’s post, and to those who communicated with me by email. As always, I am encouraged, instructed, and challenged by your insights. When I think about the relationship of technology and theology, I wonder where to start. As a biblically-informed Christian, I know I’m going to start with…

I have been asked to write an article on technology and theology for Outcomes, a magazine for leaders published by the Christian Leadership Alliance. The timing of this request seems to be providential. The cover of this week’s Time Magazine features an iPhone that features a tweet (a Twitter entry). That tweet proclaims: “I’ve written…

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