Barry, you and I often disagree on a variety of issues that focus on the interpretation of our constitutional rights.  But, I am sure you’ll agree that as we once again celebrate our nation’s independence, this is the perfect time to reflect on the underpinnings of our freedom – the Declaration of Independence and the…

Jay, give me a break.  Four of the nine Justices of the Supreme Court yesterday reached the same conclusion that Judge Sonia Sotomayor did as a judge on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals.  The other five reached an alternative conclusion.  So, are you suggesting that Judge Sotomayor is out of the judicial mainstream?  Or…

A breathless nation awaited yesterday’s decision by the PBS board about whether to actually require its member stations to adhere to a basic rule.  OK, maybe it wasn’t exactly the whole country holding its breath, but a handful of people were interested. The PBS board met to decide whether member stations must actually follow bylaws…

Sonia Sotomayor’s judicial record is pretty sparse on many of the issue you and I debate on this blog, Jay.  This did not stop you from announcing on Fox News last Friday that she had an  “very very strict” position on the Establishment Clause.  What cases are you talking about? As I read her record she is…

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