Chris at tagged me to participate in the Think Different Challenge created by Peter from I Will Change Your This is all about finding something in your life you currently have negative thoughts or feelings toward and deciding to look at it differently.

I include suggestions on changing thoughts in all of my writing because it’s such a powerful tool. When I was a DoorMat, my glass was always half empty. My overall perception of life was negative. No matter what was going on, I’d find a way to allow it to bring me down much more than necessary. Then I read Louise Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life. And it didn’t just heal my life—it gave me a positive one!

Ms. Hay says, “If you can change the way you think, you can change your life.

I’ve met her 3 times since I embraced the lessons of her book and interviewed her for an article. Since then, I see my life as a series of blessings and it helps me reap the benefits of the Law of Attraction. I now think before I think. Okay, that sounds weird, but I watch my thoughts more before I put them out. I’ve become so aware of how my thoughts affect my life. Not because of books anymore, but because I live it. The more I see it work in my life, the more I use it!

One way I turn negatives into positive is by refusing to accept the obvious.

My favorite way of dealing with obvious negatives is to say firmly, “I know how this looks but I refuse to accept it!”

It didn’t matter that everyone said my car’s oil leak was under its motor mounts when I broke down driving across the country. I heard gloomy assessments from men who stopped to help and the mechanics I went to. No doubt it was a job that would take days and cost a fortune. Well I didn’t have days or extra cash. The first 2 mechanics said they couldn’t even do it. I asked them to call others. They finally called Bob, at Bob’s Auto in Streetsboro, OH where we were stranded. He agreed to help right away, bless his heart!

My intention was for miracles—a minor inconvenience instead of a major problem.

Bob agreed with the diagnosis of a serious problem. All the while I kept saying, “I know how bad this looks but refuse to accept that it’s a major job to fix the car.” When I told that to Bob, he looked at me like I was a bit crazy not to accept the obvious. I told God that night that I was counting on Him to support my intention. Bob called in the morning, in shock. Seems he found a crack in an oil pan that caused all the problems and fixed it easily. The car was fine! All those guys who knew better than me said one thing but the conviction in my thoughts manifested a better outcome.

I do this all the time to have better weather than forecasted when I need it. I’ve refused to accept a predicted snowstorm on the day of a seminar I was giving and it was sunny. “I know that a snowstorm is headed for New York but I refuse to accept that it will come this weekend.” Then I hear the weatherman talk of a crazy fluke that sent the storm out to sea.

Recently, my doc found a lump in my breast. She was worried and implored me to get it checked fast. I just babbled on about how I was fine. Doc said I should take it seriously. I did, but refused to accept that it could be cancer. Absolutely refused and said it was nothing. I truly believed it! She was perturbed that I wasn’t upset or asking lots of questions. I had to wait ten days to see a radiologist. I only told my sister because I didn’t want to create drama for nothing.

I kept thanking God for my good health and cancer-free body. I went for the mammogram with the belief it was nothing. The radiologist confirmed that!

Too often situations appear and we go with the flow, even if the tide is going in a troubled direction. When you expect results based on what circumstances indicate, you become a self-fulfilling prophecy—acceptance of a situation becomes your truth. The weatherman predicts rain and you expect it to happen. Watch out because it’s a bad flu season! People wait to get sick. I expect to stay healthy and do. My glass is always half full instead of half empty. After 9/11, people were depressed about how terrible our world was. I walked through the streets of New York and rejoiced in all the wonderful people who came together to help victims and get the city back on its feet.

I believe with all my heart that God wants us to have positive experiences and rewards. Therefore, my strong faith makes me challenge what seems like obvious outcomes. When I’m staunch in my refusal to believe the obvious, God never lets me down. When you believe that a bad outcome is inevitable, it is. When you refuse to accept it no matter what circumstances suggest, you open yourself to more positive results.

I tag these bloggers to be part of this challenge:
Lorraine Cohen at Powerfull Living
Tina Su at Think Simple, Be Decisive
Gamy Rachel Mind Think Success

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