The world needs to hear about JESUS®. They do. And you need to tell them all about him. Here are just a few things about JESUS® that you should know. JESUS® wants to live in your heart. At some point in the 1960s or 70s, JESUS® started living inside people’s hearts. Actually, JESUS® wants all…

Frank Viola and Leonard Sweet just released their new book Jesus Manifesto. In celebration of that release, I invited Frank to write a guest post for Jesus Needs New PR.  Learn more about the book at (ALSO: Below the post, read how you can enter to win a copy of Jesus Manifesto!) I’m honored…

Does Joshua Sarhan love Jesus’s cross more than you? Maybe… Do you have a big wooden cross with a wheel on it? Huh? Are you wheeling your cross all across America to remind people that they need Jesus? Well, are you?! Does your cross come with an iPod? What do you think he’s listening to?…

Stephen Baldwin (i.e. StevieB) is coming to a city near you! Awww…. yeaaaahhhhh…. Anyway, StevieB is hosting an extreme sports show called the Assalt Tour. I think that’s what it’s called… I suppose the inside joke is that it’s missing “u.” Get it? Perhaps the missing “u” in the word “assault” is a subtle suggestion…

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