About 4pm on days I’m home I make our salad for dinner, and I like making salads … lots of folks, I suspect, are bored with making salads so they buy bags of pre-made salads and toss a handful or two of stuff into the bowl. I’ve got a few suggestions to make your salads better.

IMG_0807.JPGFirst, whether you use lettuce or spinach (we use spinach leaves), cut them up into narrow slices — makes the salad much easier to eat.

Second, buy lots of options … nuts and berries and broccoli shredded and broccoli florets and cheeses and tomato and carrots and onions. Vary these items daily.

Third, use a few different dressings … like olive oil and balsamic vinegar or blue cheese … anyway, vary the dressings.

Fourth, here’s a big one: toss the dressing into the salad at the end and mix thoroughly so that it’s not gobbed up on the top. (Well, of course, if everyone wants a different dressing it means a little extra work … but having the dressing mixed through makes the salad better.)

Who’s got other suggestions?

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