beckhamfamily.jpgDavid and Victoria Beckham are already not your typical L.A. couple. He’s insanely hot and talented and famous. She’s insanely skinny and talented (at being skinny and posh) and famous. (OK, so maybe that’s a bit typical. But wait, there’s another point.) They defected from England to the States, the opposite of the American celebrity norm (see also, Gwyneth and Madonna). They became adherents of Kabbalah and had verses from the Song of Songs tattooed on their bodies (“I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine,” the inkings read).
Still, while it won’t surprise anyone that the immensely wealthy and privacy-concerned Beckhams want to give their kids the best education in a private school type environment, it might surprise local Jewish Angelenos if there are Goldsteins and Beckhams sharing fingerpaints at nursery school.

The God Blog at the Jewish Journal reports (based on a report in the British tabloid The Sun) that the couple might be planning to send their youngest to Jewish school:
[L]ast week [the couple] visited the nursery school, which is “attached to a Jewish temple in Los Angeles,” to meet with staff. However, the report quotes a source as saying that there is “no plan” for three-year-old Cruz “to be educated in the Jewish faith.”
So in other words, one source says it’s Jewish school for Cruz. And another source says (and I paraphrase), “Nuh-uh.” I guess time will tell…we’ll see, but in another 10 years, it could be time to “Bar Mitzvah It Like Beckham.” And I hope it happens, just so we can all use that headline. Turns out, I already used it, but I still think it’s a good one.

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