What makes you smile? Oh, not a toothy grin, and not a sad melancholy expression. And, not life’s laugh tracks, the times we’re supposed to laugh just because everyone else is (and usually because of embarrassment, not joy).

Rather, what makes your lips turn up in gentle pleasure, lifting your spirits, too, and giving your whole day a positive underpinning?

Image courtesy of Victor Habbick/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Sometimes, it’s as simple as the picture I’ve included here. An unlikely pairing of a penguin with a raincoat. A bit of whimsey to lighten the day.

I keep funny calendars, pictures, and even some stuffed animals around at all times. These can give me a playful perspective, a way of achieving that gentle smile. In the morning, I read the comics – and clip ones that are especially funny. These, too, serve as ticklers for days that are more bad than good.

The ability to share a laugh with friends is more than just getting along with them. When that laugh is heart-felt, it can transmit love. How wonderful is that?!

Sometimes, whimsey is fleeting. A view of a cat pawing at the invisible. A brief glimpse of a dog outfitted as if for a formal dance (we seem to have many of those in Los Angeles, moreso at this time of year).

Sometimes, whimsey begins small and builds. Sometimes it takes center stage of a day that is otherwise very problematic. But, when it does come and touch a funny chord, when smiles abound, then, too, does love, and the whole day becomes lighter, livelier, more bear-able. (Oh, yes, teddy bears bring whimsey, too).

If today is a bad day for you, I hope you’ll find a bit of whimsey to help. And, if it is a good day, well, enjoy it with some whimsey, too – and be sure to pass it on.

We can always use another tool to help us express our care and love for one another!

Blessings for the day.


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