beliefnet-logo.6.25.10.jpgFriends, as many of you know, I am going to be teaching part-time during the spring semester at Miami University of Ohio. I’m excited about this opportunity, but since this is in addition to my regular job as an acquisitions editor it means I’ll have less time over the next few months to devote to this Beliefnet blog.

I have always used guest bloggers once or twice a week, and that ratio is going to increase a bit through May. So please contact me through Facebook or Twitter if you would like to be considered for this opportunity. This blog emphasizes a number of things (spirituality, pop culture, religious humor, current affairs, social justice, the Mormon experience), so the general topics are fairly wide open. Some helpful hints:

  • The length needs to be below 1,000 words (expect to be edited for style, length, and sometimes content). Shorter is even better.
  • The post must be timely and of interest to a large number of readers.
  • It’s good to take a clear position on an issue.
  • Bloggers whose posts are accepted will write well and have a social network from which they can link to/announce the post.
  • Shoot me a quick query letter before you submit a post. I’ll be able to tell you whether the idea might be appropriate for the blog.

I’m also interested in running more excerpts and author Q&As on this blog; these typically happen on Wednesdays. Publicists and authors should contact me a few weeks before publication with pitches for new books on topics that are relevant to the blog.

I look forward to broadening our conversations. –JKR 

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