The deepest form of Community is to join with a brother in a purpose higher than your own. Let today be a reminder there is much to be done and bust out the Love, open your heart and turn up the volume to an eleven. Martin Luther King’s words from his historic “I Have A…

Take a page from the littlest angels… Get a little Rihanna rolling in your life as you move into this next phase – “We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky.  Shine bright. Shine bright.  Like a diamond.”  — smiles…. When the road gets too long Take my hand and together we can do it. God will…

We’ve been a society running from our demons, not wanting to face them, because we’ve got no experience with the how. In the past we’ve been able to explore, conquer, quest, discover new worlds, new lands. With the earth being covered and our population stretching resources. There is no where to hide. It’s time to…

Honor yourself by demonstrating love in action.  Be gracious. Be Kind. Be compassion. Be a bright and brilliant light so others will know the glow of truth. Grow up.  Allow everything to open up in the place of connection where walls and separation crumbles and falls away surrendering to the giving and receiving of  love in its purest form.  “Free…

No Limits. “Imagine what America would be like if Martin Luther King Jr. never had a dream.” King often said “there is a power in our hearts more powerful than the power of bullets” … and today in the land of the free and the home of the brave it’s never been more important to…

Give birth to the expression of your authentic self today.  Use the void between each breath to expand the truth of your unique journey, divinely guided in the most perfect fashion, surrounded by support for all the tears and laughter, expanding friendships, and connections that will feed your soul.  Ignite your ancestral heritage, that vibration…

Believe it. Set your own path. Follow your intuition. Step out of your comfort zone and recalibrate your system. My first mentor taught me not to try to be better than my competitors but to constantly try to be better than my last effort. Within this endless improvement project of life in constant motion in…

It begins… Give me 100 people interested in being more loving to themselves for 100 days and I will give you a revolution of the heart. Make a Commitment and join us at Flight of the Soul as we increase the love quotient on the planet. Starting Thursday 10-11-12 –  100 days of more love.…

1)  SEEK TO BE STILL Let everything reveal itself exactly as it is exercising your inner musculature of not doing and just be. Seek for those quiet moments of grace in the expulsion of your breath. Perfect stillness comes in the deepening connection to your truest self.  It exists in the chaos of living. Those…

From my friend Nicholas Pratley (Soul Cycle) ps.… (Love it!) FULL HARVEST MOON IN ARIES (8 degrees) Saturday, September 29, 2012, 8:20 pm PDT and 11:20 pm EDT This may be the hottest Full Moon of the year, as it aligns within a degree of the continuing Uranus–Pluto square, bringing those evolutionary forces into high…

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