1)  SEEK TO BE STILL Let everything reveal itself exactly as it is exercising your inner musculature of not doing and just be. Seek for those quiet moments of grace in the expulsion of your breath. Perfect stillness comes in the deepening connection to your truest self.  It exists in the chaos of living. Those…

The Soul is here to be a vehicle of expression. When the soul is open and present it offers gifts beyond the veil. Being present in these soul-full moments with another allows the unlimited possibility of the universe to work its miracles. We never know anything about another person, and in many cases our judgements…

As Joseph Campbell said “the privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.” Add to that “the privilege of a lifetime is being who you are” in Love. Remove any blocks and make your self known to yourself, to your loved ones, to your neighbors, releasing any fear and move directly into your heart…

At no time in the history of humanity has it been more important to remember the truth.  Our thoughts create our reality and if we are not thinking with Love we are not living the truth. We can’t change the circumstances that happen but we can stand in the truth and be loving in each…

Walking through open doors has always been elusive for me. The door would be open and I’d say. “Hmmm. Not now.” “Not ready.” “Maybe you should go first.” “Is it to warm, I don’t have a suit.” The door opens for a reason. For you to walk through. There are millions of doors that open…

“It is holy or unholy depending on how we perceive it and the purpose that the mind ascribes to it.” Letting go of the need to know of a future that can never be set in stone, that only exists in the mind frees the moment of now and gives everything up for the grand…

Do it with a song. As I was browsing through youtube I saw this… from the the last episode of the “I Love Lucy” series “Lucy Meets the Moustache.”  Catch the poignancy of each moment when you know that after a successful marriage, a long running beloved series and two children, Lucy and Desi were…

Take this moment. Hour.  Day. Year and Live the truth of who you are free from the illusion that is keeping you stuck in repeating the same experience over and over again. Stop every behavior that is creating the repeating drama, comedy, and live something different. Speak your Self. Release the Future. Now and hereafter. …

There is no secret getting a daily practice of meditation in place will keep you in conscious contact to the deepest stillness of your being creating the ability to return to your center with greater and greater ease as you move through your day, avoiding the pitfalls of triggers and stress. Meditation is the answer…

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