I don’t love dogs. Don’t get me wrong–I like ’em fine. I may even coo over a particularly cute one (or a homely one–somehow the homely ones touch my heart more than the handsome ones), but I don’t have a great affinity for them, and they can pretty much take me or leave me too.…

How much information are you willing to disclose to snag a job? Most companies already insist on background checks, but Bozeman, MT, is asking applicants for city positions to submit their social networking usernames and passwords. Guess I won’t be applying there anytime soon. Granted, submitting this  information is voluntary. Still, how far is too…

Regrets, I’ve had a few. But perhaps none so visible as those of Belgian teenager Kimberley Vlaminck, who claimed last week to have ‘fallen asleep’ in the tattooist’s chair and woken up with 56 stars tattooed across her face when she’d only–she said–asked for 3. Now, anyone who’s ever gotten a tattoo (and I have…

UPDATE: Interesting NY Times article asking some of the same questions as my original post about Steve Jobs’ liver transplant. Check the NY Times piece out! Because of this article, and because of the many comments I received on my own, I’m putting up an updated version of my prior post today (below), but with some changes…

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