Before lightning strikes feeders unseen to the ordinary I travel possible paths through the air to find the right way to bolt to earth. Before the secret green cells in the leaf drink from its suncatchers, light walks all paths through the protein scaffold. Scientists say that any road taken collapses all possible paths. In…

All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream – Edgar Allen Poe I’ve been thinking about how we travel between different levels of dreaming, consciously or unconsciously. I recently quoted the statement of Ruby Modesto, a Desert Cahuilla shaman, that she traveled through no less than 13 levels of dreaming…

In Hindu tradition, dreaming is the key to other worlds, and the literature and sacred writings of India are a treasury of tales of dream travel, clearly grounded on experience. The Yogavasistha, a vast Kashmiri compilation from the first millennium CE, is one of the richest troves. The travelers find that time is elastic. You…

A friend of mine who is a generally prolific dreamer was puzzled as to why she felt she was losing the memory of some important dream experiences. “Sometimes I go deeper than deep,” she told me. “I go down through successive levels of dreaming to the place where it’s at, where the truly big stuff…

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