Over at the Los Angeles Times, Charlotte Allen takes note of one particular way of describing priests that smacks of anti-Catholicism: “Men in dresses.” That’s who columnist Maureen Dowd blames for decay in “our religious kingdom.” Which men in dresses is she referring too? The ballerinas-in-drag of Les Ballets Trockadero? The Marilyn Monroe lookalikes marching…

‘Tis the season for First Communions and Confirmations — and a parish in California may well have one of the largest First Communion classes anywhere.  How’s THIS for feeding the multitude?   From Catholic San Francisco: Saturday morning first Communion instruction at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in East Palo Alto is too big by…

New York’s legendary former mayor Ed Koch paid tribute to his city’s legendary former archbishop at St. Patrick’s Cathedral Monday, on the 10th anniversary of the archbishop’s death. Koch’s words pay tribute to a warm and enduring friendship of kindred souls from two very different points of view. Why don’t we see this sort of…

Bishop Gerald Kicanas of Tucson, Arizona, baptizes an inmate at the Southern Arizona Correctional Release Center in Tucson last month. Details, from CNS: A hazy sun settling slowly behind Tucson’s “A” mountain softly illuminated the 20 women in bright-orange uniforms who were gathered in the razor-fenced yard. Every face was aglow and smiling as they…

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