Cut the Crap Spirituality

Las Vegas was our fly-in destination for our recent family trip to the Grand Canyon. As we were taking in the sites of the “strip” my wife said to our kids: “This is really an interesting place – Look all around and take it all in. There is a ton of crazy stuff going on…

Over Christmas last year my daughter started to question whether Santa Clause was real. She said, “Dad, I know Santa Clause is not real.” I said, “Why do you think that?” “Come on – Think about it,” she said. “How could one person fly around to every house in the world in one night? And,…

I often wake up tired and crabby, and in the morning don’t want to talk or interact with the family. My wife, however, is a morning person and everyday says to our kids before they leave for school: Love, Trust and Be Happy. She recently explained: Love – The process of giving and receiving. It’s…

For Easter our kids engaged in an egg hunt with 4,000 eggs. The cherished prizes for the hunt were a handful of golden eggs. One of our kids found a golden egg. The other two did not. As some of the kids were crying, I overhead one of the parents say she wished they all…

My wife and I attend a large fundraiser every year. The host has done remarkably well in business. He, however, now focuses his time and energy on providing aid to children in impoverished nations. At one of the events he said: “I can tell you this. It’s really selfishness on my part. Having all the…

I recently was walking down the street and a feeble-looking man was asking for money. At first I walked by. I couldn’t get him off my mind, however, so I turned around and handed him a ten dollar bill. A few minutes later, a well-put-together man walked up to me and said: “You know you…

I recently went to the doctor because I wasn’t feeling well. After an examination he said you have the flu, take it easy, eat well and continue to exercise. I asked if he could give me anything to make me feel better quicker. “There is no magical pill,” he said. In fact, there is no…

I was raised with a theistic understanding of God – A figure sitting in an ivory tower, watching over and judging our actions. That was all fine until I started thinking about life and what I was supposed to be doing with it. If I was being watched and judged, what were the rules on…

I was recently listening to a sports station that was discussing retired professional athletes. The point of the conversation was that many often become “lost” in retirement because the thrill is gone and they don’t know where to turn. How could this be? We idolize professional athletes – As a kid and even as a…

I have two daughters who are swimmers.   I spend a lot time at swim meets.   The girls work very hard practicing four to five times a week.   I recently heard a story of a girl who took first place in an important event.   After the event she walked up to the official – A few…

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