In the Name of God: the Infinitely Merciful and Compassionate Lord A very common, oft-repeated mantra among pundits and “experts” is that Muslims haven’t roundly condemned the extremism committed in Islam’s name. So many times, we hear people saying, “Where are the Muslim voices in condemnation?” “Why aren’t Muslims speaking up against extremists like ISIS?”…

In the Name of God: the Compassionate and Infinitely Merciful Beloved Lord Well, I saw the movie “Noah.” And…I was quite disappointed. Even though I did say that I do not look to Hollywood to teach me my sacred history, nevertheless, if you are going to make a movie called “Noah” and make that movie…

In the Name of God: the Infinitely Merciful and Compassionate Beloved Lord This time of year is always special: it is a time when we all pause and spend time with our friends and families and give thanks to the Lord for His bounty and blessings. Although there are some in the Muslim fold that…

In the Name of God, the Compassionate and Most Merciful Beloved Lord Tomorrow marks the 12th anniversary of the horrific attacks on our country in New York and Washington, D.C. I will never forget that day, and it has been burned into my memory as if it had occurred yesterday. All across our country, we…

In the Name of God, the Compassionate and Infinitely Merciful No, it’s not the “Muslim Christmas.” I have never put lights on my house, placed a tree in the family room, and exchanged gifts. Nevertheless, it is a very happy day for me and Muslims all around the world: the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday, or Maulid…

In the Name of God, the Compassionate and Infinitely Merciful This was my contribution to the My Jihad campaign, a national effort spearheaded right here in Chicago, to reclaim the term Jihad from the Muslim and anti-Muslim extremists alike. Loss and Heartbreak Every day, I get up early in the morning to try to help…

In the Name of God, the Compassionate and Infinitely Merciful  I am tired of the election season. As I write this, a political campaign ad is playing on the TV. It is the same one I have seen time, after time, after time, after time, after time. I think half of our recycling bin is…

In the Name of God, the Compassionate and Infinitely Merciful When one is blessed with children, it is natural for a father – like me – to think about what he needs to do to be the best father possible. It is natural to ask oneself: how should I act with my children? How can…

In the Name of the Compassionate and Infinitely Merciful Precious Beloved Cadburry Mini Eggs. On sale. YUM. YUM.

In the Name of the Compassionate and Infinitely Merciful Precious Beloved As a Muslim, Easter Sunday is just like any other Sunday. Indeed, I am not working on this Easter, but that is due to happenstance rather than religious devotion. In fact, I hope to catch some of the Masters golf action on Sunday. Yet,…

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