For Mother’s Day this year, I received the following: a promise of tea with my younger son — as well as a lovely note — and the world’s greatest manual pencil sharpener from my elder son. You may think those are pretty disparate gifts, but they accurately pinpoint two very important parts of my life…

If you’re one of the sad Americans who think the New Yorker is a liberal rag, or that it’s too highbrow for you, bear with me. The real answer to both of these ersatz questions is c) neither of the above. Case in point, this week’s issue, which features an amazing article about a physicist. Yup,…

pharisaical: (adjective) characterized by hypocritical self-righteousness; putting emphasis on strict observance of rituals unrelated to the spirit or meaning of the ceremony. Somehow this word feels appropriate in today’s  political arena. I’m always so horrified when a religious leader finds it okay to drive  children to suicide. Or invade funerals with so-called religion. Or kill…

I’m often apalled by what people say to each other on Facebook.  And the comments to online articles? Wow. My Aunt Bonnie would have washed my mouth out with soap! So I ask myself: what’s up w/ folks who are sooo hateful? Are they like that in person? And of course, they’re (usually) not. Because…

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